As the final part of this three part blog, I wanted to look closer at how often you should be emailing customers, and what to do when they no longer wish to receive your messages.

Its a difficult balance sending out eshots to your customers. If you don’t send them regularly, they will forget about you and are not likely to remember who you are when they do receive your emails. If you send too much, then they are more likely to hit delete even if they do enjoy your content.

The general rule of thumb is; anything less than at least every other month is not enough, and anything more than once a week is too often. Of course this can vary depending on your type of business, but this should be kept in mind as a benchmark. If you plan on sending more than one a week, you could ask your customers when they sign up to your mailing list that they would be happy receiving more than this amount. Those that say no, you could segment them into another list so they only get the main weekly emails, leaving you to send more to those who said yes.

No matter how hard you try though, you will always find some people unsubscribing. This can be for any reason, they simply no longer need your services so don’t wish to hear from you, or, no matter how interesting your emails are, some people still may not want to read, or receive them. Whatever the reason, you should respect their wishes and remove them from your mailing list.

I myself can list a few companies off the top of my head, who have not removed me from their mailing list despite requesting them to do so several times. What does that make me think of them? Well, I would never use their services again that’s for sure! Ask yourself the same question next time someone asks to be removed from your database – you don’t want them thinking that of your company. Just because they unsubscribe, doesn’t necessarily mean they will never use your services, just they don’t wish to hear your latest news and offers.. but if you ignore their wishes the likelihood is they won’t be contacting you again!

I hope this series of posts has helped you think about the different areas of your email marketing campaigns to make sure you are making the most of them.

If you need any help with your eshots, please feel free to contact us on 0116 281 5733.

Until next time,
